

If you have a gym, hotel, restaurant, office, shop, or any other site and would like to make your facility more user friendly or to encourage your clientele to become more diverse, I offer a consultation service for businesses. If you would like my input, I will come to your facility, have an in-depth look at access, equipment, staff training, etc. and compose a report on how to make your facility more user friendly and inclusive. I am also able to do a workshop with the staff to improve their own knowledge of exercise and disability.

In today’s world, disability is still seen as a very sensitive subject. Due to this, business owners, staff, or even people in general are, more often than not, too afraid to ask disabled individuals open and honest questions. Instead people tend to just assume or disabled people aren’t consulted when venues are being built. In some cases this may be deemed as ignorance, when in actuality it is probably just due to a lack of understanding.

Accessibility tends to be a secondary thought when designing venues and can often prove quite costly to ‘fix’ down the line. These hefty costs can be avoided if you think about accessibility from the very beginning. By providing an environment which welcomes all, you’re also opening your doors to every single person, regardless of their situation.

We all experience disability at some point in our lives (whether it be conditional, temporary, or permanent) so let’s work together to make the world a much more disability-friendly place.